
Blu-Ray won the format war?

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I've heard Blu-Ray officially won the format war. I'm just wondering, what made it official?

And also, what's going to happen to the XBox 360?




  1. Early last week Toshiba, the brains behind the HD DVD format, decided that it would no longer continue to produce the HD DVD player.

    The 360 will likely follow suit and develop an add on Blu Ray player and possibly a model with a blue ray drive.

  2. Toshiba, the mother of HD-DVD announced they were stopping production. That was an unconditional surrender to Bluray.

    Microsoft has already announced that they are going to support Bluray with an add-on drive, much like the add-on HD-DVD drive. It's really no big deal, except for the people that already have the xbox HD-DVD drives, like me. The only remaining question is when...

  3. Yea, I saw this coming. Why have better when you can have the best which is what Blu-Ray stated. I believe Blu-Ray is the future of home entertainment and the competition between that and HD was uneccessary. They probably won't start selling solely Blu-Ray at stores but look for it to over-shadow HD within the next year or so.

    What does this mean for the XBox 360 and their HD compatability? Loss of revenue of course unless Microsoft finds a way to 'conveniently' adapt Blu-Ray to the system and 'quietly' sway away from HD aka they're f*****. But they aren't the ones to blame. At least until HD becomes obsolete...

  4. No one has won yet, but it's been clear from the beginning that blu ray will win.

  5. Blue-Ray did win the format war. Toshiba announced that they are going to stop producing HD players. According to article

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