
Blu-ray are the new dvds??

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Blu-ray are the new dvds??




  1. Although they are new they are probably going to be replaced by USB like devices in the future to save on packaging and manufacturing costs, also you would not have to worry about scratching your disks. But as of now they are the new tech although DVDs are still out selling blu-ray disks by a long shot.

  2. more like the new laser disc.

    a niche product, better sound better picture but joe & mary sixpack don't care. they need a disc that can play on the main tv the kids room and also take along in the car. if studios don't start releasing bd/dvd combos it will never be mainstream the way dvd is.

  3. maybe. thing is, look at what happened to mini-discs! where are they now!?

  4. Yes, better sound and better picture, but frankly, they are too expensive for what it's worth

  5. No --- at least not yet.

    Blu-Ray are an HD alternative to DVD.  They may or may not replace DVDs in the long run, but for now are a premium priced niche format that offer a superior picture and sound to the minority of consumers who can benefit.

    Unlike DVD -- which provided a major benefit over VHS -- Blu-ray doesn't provide anywhere near as big a benefit over DVD. many people find DVDs are less expensive, more flexible (you can play them almost anywhere given the ubiquity of DVD players, they can be easily copied ... unlike Blu-ray) and give almost as good a picture and sound as Blu-ray on all but the best equipment.

  6. As of now blue-ray is the right format. In the recent format war sony won the battle. so there is monopoly. You need to wait until the price come down. when there is not much takers price will automatically come down

  7. ya but it works on a different technology

    it can store up to 50 GB as it can be played both sides

    its the future of digital data storage

  8. That's right...there predicted to dominate dvd's.

  9. Yup

  10. Blu-ray DVDs are high-definition DVDs meaning better sound and picture quality (provided the movie on them was filmed in hi-def!).  Obviously, to play them you will need a blu-ray player.

    HD-DVD was a competing format, but has now lost the race.  Don't be fooled by anyone into buying HD-DVDs or an HD-DVD player.  When you're ready to go hi-def, go for blu-ray.

    I wouldn't rush though.  I'm perfectly happy with my Denon upscaling DVD player (it enhances the picture quality of standard DVDs on a hi-def TV) for now and will switch to Blu-ray when the price comes down in a couple of years.

  11. Yep...... and in five years they'll bring out something even better to make us spend our cash.

  12. yes mate, where you been, theyve been out for ages!!

  13. correct.

  14. Yes, Blue-ray format disks are the next generation of high definition picture and sound clarity.

    HD-DVD's are the older format of this.

    hope this helps!

  15. There have been two formats fighting for to be the next level of technology to replace the DVD.

    Blu Ray from Sony and HD DVD from Toshiba. Like Beta-max against VHS for video from the early eighties.

    Blu Ray has won the fight, so anyone with a HD DVD player may find they have an unsupported format, but take up of the new technology is still slow.

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