
Blu ray better than hd dvds?

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Blu ray better than hd dvds?




  1. They are better due to higher storage capacity. Dont pay attention to the other issues--the kinks will be worked out whereas storage capacity is unchangeable.

    But more importantly its irrelevant: Blu-ray has won the format war. Do not pay more than $50 for an HD-DVD player--they will just be fancy paperweights in less than a year.

  2. Mostly better.  But one flaw is that the data is stored very close to the surface of the disc, so you'd better hope that "scratch-proof" coating really works.  Initially, Sony planned to encase the discs in protective cartridges like floppy discs, but they decided that would cost too much, and make it harder to design players to be compatible with DVD and CD.

    HD-DVD protects the data under a thick layer of plastic, which also gives the laser pickup a chance at reading around bad scratches or dirt.  Kind of like if there's a tall person in the seat in front of you at the movies, you can't see through them.  But if you move a row back, you can look around them and not miss so much.  Anyway, I know that regular DVDs will still read perfectly even with nasty looking scuffs and scratches.

  3. we had a system called hd dvd that worked perfect and cost half what bluray did,

    but then the bluray lot payed everyone off and destroyed hd dvd so that we would all have to pay twice as much for a product that was not even finished unless you paid twice as much again for a games console called ps3.

    in all the ps3 fanboys destroyed the movies so they would have something to do with there console because they had no games,

    so buy a hd dvd player and no films to watch on it

    or an overpriced bluray player that will be obsolete in a year

    or a watered down 40gb plaguestation with no backwards capability because we live in the uk and deserve all we get.

  4. Right this second HDDVD is better. Blu ray palyers have ALOT of issues like needing to be updated from the internet evry month or so to play new movies.  However hddvd is being discontinued so if you buy a player now (you can get one for like $100 compared to bluray at $350 or so) you wont get movies in the future. But the movies out now should be pretty cheap. I have about 20 now and once they start going on clearance sales Ill buy all i can find. Blu-ray in the long run will be better than hddvd is now because the disk can hold more, but for right now blu ray is more buggy mostly because of the movie industry being sooo paranoid about copying disks.  They keep changing how they copy protect and every time they do you have to go and update your player, which can be a royal pain.  I use my hddvd more than my bluray.  Also blu ray has already came out with a new version of some sort 1.2 or something which means many older players wont be able to use some of the new features. So if you really must have one wait as long as you can so they can get their acts together and work out these bugs.  But if you want to spen 3 or 4 hundred on something that you have to fix (update) before you can watch movies go ahead. I wish I would have waited,

  5. I would strongly recommend you buy blu ray if you are thinking about getting high def equipment. HD DVDs are being discontinued. its a bit like the VHS and beta max video format wars.

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