
Blu ray dvd's / ps3 films / product help please!?

by  |  earlier

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i have a couple of blu rays for my ps3 but i find they are too expensive. do you know where i can get cheap ones. (NOT EBAY / AMAZON.)




  1. right now has some great deals for under $20 and a lot of titles

    *EDIT* sorry, I just checked the site out again and it looks like the sale is over, but there are still some good prices

  2. There is a place.

    It's called DVD Planet. Their on the web at

    He res a link.

    And your going to love the prices. The nice thing about them is they have been in business for more than twenty years, (No fly by night business here). They started out selling Laser Disc back in the days before the Internet, at that time they were called Ken Kranes Laser Disc.

    The next best part about this place is they have a store. You might not live close enough to stop by... but you can call them and talk to a real person. Their store is in Huntington Beach California.

    If you do live in the Southern California area... Your in luck. It's a great place to shop. The staff is well trained and knowledgeable.

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