
Blu ray or DVD?

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For my girlfriends birthday i wanted to get her among other things a blu ray of Madagascar. (one of her favorite movies) It doesn't come out on blu ray till september. should i just buy her the dvd version or pre order it on blu ray and tell her it's coming?




  1. well dear friend first and formost just get the information which dvd player is she currently using and is  her dvd player supporting BLU RAY technology . if not then you are in trouble.  however if she has iconic dvd player then you need not to worry as it is compatible to all technology.

    rest on you how to impress your girlfriend

  2. Well, assuming your girlfriend has an HDTV AND a Blu-Ray Player, i would say get the Blu-ray. But then again, it all depends on what kind of person your girlfriend is. If she's impatient and will be dissapointed that she'll have to wait, just get her the DVD. Blu-ray however has beautiful picture and sound quality to which DVD can not compare. If you have all the adequate equipment and she doesn't mind waiting, get the Blu-ray :)

  3. Blue Ray

  4. BLUEE RAY!! u did know that HDDVDs and DVDs are fading out!?! manfacturers aren't making HDDVD players anymore. Everything is shifting to Blue Ray.

  5. buy her a ps3 blu-ray, dvd and much more

    but it'll be worth lots of money

  6. it depends if she has a hd tv cause blue ray doesnt look as great on a regular tv

  7. If she is a big technophile, then I would get the Blu-Ray version. If she just really likes the movie and doesn't really care about picture quality or sound quality, get the regular DVD version.
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