
Blu-ray or DVD?

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I was just wondering if I should start buying Blu-rays or DVDS, because I dont know if the Blu-rays are the next DVD, but I dont wanna start collection DVDS when people are only going to be using Blu-rays.




  1. Blu-Ray is the only format that will continue to sell newer movies in an HD format

    HD-DVD lost the format war, but did have some nice features over Blu-Ray (regular DVD copy on reverse side, first to impliment "profile 1.1" and had "profile 2.0" before losing, had a seprate player on the Xbox, that could be unplugged and used on a PC), since they lost the format war, newer movies will not be sold in this format

    DVDs will continue to be sold even after Blu-Ray becomes more popular (or at least they should in my opinion, not all TVs are going to be HDTVs, and having a Blu-Ray player on an SDTV pointless), the highest resolution a DVD can support is 480p, there are upscailing DVD players that claim to give you a 1080p HD image, but all it really does is display the DVD at 480p at 1080p format (telling the TV it is a 1080p signal) upscailing is really just a trick to consumers to make them think they are getting HD out of a DVD

    As for what ones to collect, it depends on what television you plan to be watching them on, if you don't have an HDTV, stick to DVDs, there is no sense wasting your money on a Blu-Ray player and Blu-Ray movies when your TV isn't even HD, but at the same time if you have an HDTV, don't fall for the upscailing trick, but instead go with Blu-Ray, just keep in mind that if you watch it on your HDTV, and you want to share the movie with other people that don't have a Blu-Ray player, it will not play in a standard DVD player, so you will need to get a DVD copy of the same movie

  2. Blu-Ray is NOW!

    HD-DVD's are on their way out.

    Buy Blu-Ray.

  3. blu-ray

  4. Blu-Ray is HD.

    HD-DVD is its competition.

    HD-DVD lost the battle!

    Blu-Ray will soon be the standard in HD media.

  5. Get a Blu-ray player and start buying Blu-ray movies. They will soon replace DVDs entirely. Avoid HD-DVD at all costs.
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