
Blu-ray question??

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I have a hd dvd player with surround sound hooked up to my hdtv but now i want to buy a blu ray player. would i be able to use the surround sound with the blu ray some how.




  1. Blu-ray does support surround sound as per this web site

    What audio codecs will Blu-ray support?

    Linear PCM (LPCM) - up to 8 channels of uncompressed audio. (mandatory)

    Dolby Digital (DD) - format used for DVDs, 5.1-channel surround sound. (mandatory)

    Dolby Digital Plus (DD+) - extension of Dolby Digital, 7.1-channel surround sound. (optional)

    Dolby TrueHD - lossless encoding of up to 8 channels of audio. (optional)

    DTS Digital Surround - format used for DVDs, 5.1-channel surround sound. (mandatory)

    DTS-HD High Resolution Audio - extension of DTS, 7.1-channel surround sound. (optional)

    DTS-HD Master Audio - lossless encoding of up to 8 channels of audio. (optional)

    Please note that this simply means that Blu-ray players and recorders will have to support playback of these audio codecs, it will still be up to the movie studios to decide which audio codec(s) they use for their releases.

    NOTE: many other FAQ at web page too

  2. If the ports to the back of the blue-ray player are the same as the hd-dvd player then yes. But even so try asking the person who you are getting the player from see what they say.

  3. Blu-ray is best viewed and heard with HDMI ports which is actually one cable containing digital video and audio.

  4. Yes. At least I think so. Ask a person at the store you are going to buy the blu-ray player at. If you recently bought the HD DVD player, return it. Blu-ray has just won the format war. So no more HD DVD's.
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