
Blue Atlas Cedar dying?

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My husband and I bought 2 blue atlas cedars this past March or April and planted them about 3 ft. apart in the same bed. One is doing great, has new needles budding out and looks wonderful, the other one isn't doing so well. We live in Oklahoma where temps get around 100 degrees and the heat is sweltering. They're planted on the West side of our house and they get watered about every other day. I'm at a loss as to why one is doing great and the other one isn't when they were both planted the same way and receive the same amount of water. The needles on the one are turning yellow and falling off and that tree never had any new needles budding out on it this spring. i called our local nursery and they said I might give it more water. I'm just wondering if somebody else might be able to tell me what could be going on with my tree and if it's saveable. These trees aren't cheap and I'd hate to lose one. Also, I have the same sort of problem with a dwarf alberta spruce that i planted last year. It's been doing great, lasted all last summer, all winter and then now it seems that quite a few of its needles are turning brown and falling off. it also receives western/afternoon-evening sun. Does needles turning brown and fall off always indicate that the tree is dying? Is there anything I can do to save my trees? What evergreens would you recommend that are heat resistant and drought tolerant? thank you.




  1. The trees are planted too close together for one thing. Blue Atlas Cedars like open area. When planting trees, you need to visualize them at maturity. The spread of these trees will be substantially more then 3 '. The other problem I can see is your watering way too often. Tree roots need oxygen, keeping them constantly wet (watering everyother day as you mentioned) will cuase severe root damage and death. I would suggest watering once a week. Make sure that of the waterings, 2 of them need to be deep soaking.

    Brett Marble - Arborist

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