
Blue Lights and the Highway?

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I have watched carte blanch last night

I dont know about you but when i see the cars accompanied by the blue driving more than 170km past me i simple can not help but to get furious

Who do they think they are?

You and I are also sometimes late for a meeting but that doesnt give us reason to speed or break the laws, just phone at tell the people that you are stuck in traffic

What do you think, it is fair for the ministers to be accompanied by these blue light cars driving at a dangerous speed, when the law clear say that is only allowed to be done when they fear that the minister's life is in danger and even then to stick to the speed limits

Is our ministers going the same path as Mugabe and his traveling?

Here is the link




  1. I have also seen the show and their behavior is ridiculous to say the least ! Shooting at people because there is no way to pass them ?

    Never ,ever did we do such a thing when I was in the State presidents guard ! There are times that justify speeding but that is why they travel in a cavalcade ! A car in front and at the back . Also with a chaser a couple of kilometers in front . The each have their different duties which will be swopped around during transit . Seems to me it is mere blatant disregard of the law simply because they can get away with it .Accidents will always happen and it even did when FW crashed his own Mercedes into the Union building while driving himself to work in 1993 . Negligent driving is out . What happened to offensive and defensive driving and hi-speed driving courses ? Let me guess , some AA appointments were given to the gate guards from Shellhouse again !

  2. One of the things I did on my first arrival on YA! was to read the history of questions/answers given by most of the members here. I learned from that exercise that Heavy D was a CPO in the Presidency. I was impressed by his answer to this question until when he messed it up with his last sentence.

    Accidents happen everywhere every day. The one that comes to mind is that of Princess Diana of Wales. While we regret the accidental loss of life, we must stop being sensationalists. One of the main reasons the Presidents, Premiers and Ministers go in cavalcade is for security reasons. It happens all over the world. When Bush was here, streets were closed. The streets are even closed in his own country – all because of security. I might not like them, but they are in power and security protocol dictates that they must move fast. Like Heavy D said, they should only be properly trained in defensive driving; bearing in mind that even such training doesn’t guarantee zero accidents. It just makes them more avoidable.

  3. I for one am grateful to Carte Blanche and our ministers for giving me the inspiration to stop my tardiness at work.

    I am starting a new kind of car pool. instead of all of us going in the same car we will take say 5 cars. the middle car with of course be a brand spanking new german sedan. in black of course. and the car will be surrounded by the remaining cars preferrably in black. we will take turns to drive the luxury sedan in the middle, each day of the week will belonng to someone in the cars pool. just add a few blue lights, and we will be on our way. Emergency lane here we come!

    If any one lives in durban and has a luxury german sedan and a few blue lights, please contact me I really think we could be onto something here.

  4. I did not watch the program.

    But we can't have a Minister being late because he was stuck in traffic.

    You may feel its not fair but the fact is they are more import then you in the same way your boss is more important and gets more privileges then you.

  5. They are cowboys who should be stopped and shot! they kill a number of people anually and NEVER does the ANCBC(SABC) say anything about this.

    Baaitjies vir boetties!


  6. What does it matter, these Corrupt ANC terrorists have driven all over us every where else why should they not give themselves the power to drive us off the roads as well.

    Pitso we are not here to impress you or seek your approval because you live in a different world.

    You are such a self righteous, sanctimonious, pontificating, empty headed blow hard, who posts the obvious while eluding the reality.

  7. In a fast modern car 170km/h is no more dangerous that 100km/h in a citi golf.

  8. Yes, I saw and was quite shocked actually. They kept repeating that only if the the minister was in danger could they push people off the road (or something like that ) and if they crossed a traffic light, the intersection had to made clear. What makes these people think they are above the law - these are leaders of South Africa and this is the example that is being set to all the drivers on the road. Have a convoy, fine, but still be aware of the other drivers on the road. Punching a guy in the face because he was driving too slow - is that really necessary?

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