
Blue flash. Paranormal perhaps?

by Guest33120  |  earlier

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Every few days i see a blue flash coming from the corner of my room. Other people have seen this at my house too. At 1st i though it was passing cars or lightening but it wasnt. This flash happens mainly when i least expect it and always at night.

Is this paranormal or i am seeing things?




  1. TR is absolutely correct, this sounds like faulty wiring. Have an electrician check it out before someone gets hurt.

  2. Check the wiring in your outlets. A blue flash suggests electrical arcing to me. It's not paranormal, but it could potentially be dangerous.

  3. See an Ophthalmologist.light flashes can mean Retinal damage.I mean sooner not later.Retinal damage reaches a point where it's difficult to repair.

  4. I believe your seeing energy, of a spirit or an aura or something. I often see different colors , purple, blue, green

    You're not seeing things, I think you can read energy better than most people.

  5. Check out the electricity.  This could be a fire hazard.

  6. were you sucking on a wintergreen lifesaver at the time?

    i am totally serious.  check this out...

  7. We have the same thing here.  It started after my wifes mother's ashes were set up stairs. Now every now and then, a little bright blue light drops out of the down stairs ceiling right under the spot where we keep the ashes. This marble size light will travel around for a few seconds then shoot off.

    It is said that blue light orbs are happy spirits.  See----

    Hope this helps,  its nothing to worry about, most likely some family member that has pass on and is still watching over you. Or a guardian Angle.

    Edit 1.  Like I give a s#!t about you thumb downers, get a life!

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