
Blue tongued skink care... Melissa B. PLEASE?

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If I feed a blue tongued skink canned dog food and vegetables what is the ratio of dog food to vegetables. Also how many cans would he eat a week? Thank you in advance.




  1. 60% vegetable/fruits and 40% meat items. u cant feed it just dog food u need to give it a varied diet

    where have they said this is wild caught gracie???? if blue tougne skinks arent native to there local area its illegal to release it into the wild

  2. depending on age and size. I would personally be varying the diet to no more then 25% canned puppy food (or even pet mince mixed with calcium powder) and chopped fresh fruit and vegetables. You can also feed pinky mice (defrosted) and crickets/snails.

    Make sure all food except tinned dog food has calcium powder on it (even the fruit and vegetables) and changed fresh every day. I have had my Bluies for nearly 10 years on this diet and theyre doing really well!

    My longest is about 40cm long and I give them a good tablespoon of food every day at the most, as long as the temperature is right. Too much protein and they shed too often which depletes the body of minerals.

    What type is yours? I have two Blotched and two Eastern bluies

  3. Ok according to my vet that I had to see because of vitamin a & c deficiencies with my blue tongue (Yura) cat food is better than dog food. They need to get veggies and fruits about twice a week, cat food, and other proteins, a couple times a week.  I feed Yura cat food (about1/4 to 1/2 of a small can that I split between 3 lizards), tomatoes (good for vitamin c), carrots, cantaloupe, lettuces (non iceberg), tried kale but he didn't really like it, bites of chicken, beef, lamb, veal, cooked eggs and once a week a hopper (baby mouse). I also give him liquid vitamins ( he likes the papaya flavor of it and will try to l**k and bite the eye dropper. try for a list of veggies and fruits to try and any other questions you might have still.

  4. seriously, u have to let them go into the wild.

    there is no way it can live with you looking after it.

    trust me, ive tried to raise soooooo many of them, and no matter how hard you try, the best thing is setting it free.

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