
Bluray wins format war?

by Guest45045  |  earlier

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So now what r we supposed to do with our not so old HD-DVD players??




  1. Sell it on eBay really quickly. You may find someone who has not heard the news...

  2. chuck em, haha I bought a PS3 (blu ray capability) I actually thought Blu Ray would lose because a few months back they had hardly any movies. Its good to see they chose the better format, unlike when they chose VHS over Betamax, beta was actually better quality

  3. Put them with your betamax tapes

  4. sell your HD player as quickley as possible, because most people still dont know HD DVD has lost

  5. Set them in the closet next to the Betamax.

  6. That sucks big time. I was thinking about getting one but I never got the chance to. Maybe try to send it back to Toshiba and they might give you money back. Or sell it on ebay. I am sure some idiot would buy it.

  7. Trash them and get a Blu-Ray player or just by a PS3 might a well spend the exta and get a PS3 atleast you can play games on it reallya regular dvd compared to a Blu-Ray disc...why are they more expensive...they shouldn't be...

  8. I didn't know there was a war on til yesterday. Suppose we've got to go out and buy a new dvd now...........

  9. i have a toshiba hd-e1 player-look on the bright side powergen-hd-dvd's will cost two-a-penny in a few months.

  10. You should have waited or at least read the reviews and the background Blu Ray was always going to win as it had the backing of the Sony film industry and major American chains.

    So pack it up put it carefully in a safe place next to your 8track betamax video and the sinclair C5, your great, great, great grandchildren will find them really amusing.

    What a collector great great great grandad was why has no one else got these strange things in their attic!!

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