
Blush color for light/light beige skin?

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hey, im a caucasion female ( my father is swedish and my mother is Native American Cherokee) so i have the light brown ( its highlighted with blonde a little though but still brown!) hair dark eyebrows and light colored/beige skin with VERY light color brown eyes. Its like a honey color. The lightest color brown youll probably see on a pair of eyes ( no joke everyone compliments and says that) i was just wondering since im not pale i mean i naturally have a little color on me, but when i do go out in the sun i tend to burn first then get brown. I wa sjust wondering since i use physicans formula ( love this stuff) moonlight/light bronzer and i mix it with their peach blush. I was just wondering if i should use peach? because a pink color looks to light and fake. what color should i use on my cheeks? i really like peach. Also, would black mascara be to harsh for me? I heard brown black should be used on light beige skin. Thanks.




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