
Blushing issues? Please help?

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Okay so I just started high school. I have quit a lot of friends. Every since middle school I have had this awful thing where my face gets EXTREMELY red,sometimes for no reason at all,sometimes for an actually reason. My friends constantly pick on me for it and always do whatever they can to make my face red,its like a game or a joke to them. I don't know what to do,it holds me back from being my self and doing what I love to do. I'm not shy at all,only when my face turns red is when I just want to disappear. This makes me hate life,I don't even like going to lunch or sit with my friends or ANYTHING. Please help,I'll do anything. I don't want to have to pay anything either,thanks :/




  1. I have the exact same thing =) I'm in college now, but I've always been like that, kids in school actually used to do something similar to your friends - tease me to see how dark a shade of red they could get my face to turn.  You're right, it's not always for a reason, and you can't control it, sometimes it just happens, and sometimes you're embarassed.  It can be really annoying, I'm with you there.  Here's what I do know - from what i've read, extreme blushing can be attributed to a sort of overactive central nervous system, which controls things like sweating (which i also do too often lol), blushing, emotional response, etc.  Perhaps trying to remain calm will work for you, but it hasn't done much for me.  You're just going to have to get used to it! (And I say this as someone who has it, so don't think I'm just rolling my eyes over here).  Don't let it hold you back!! It's not your fault, and you can't control it, so just do what you love and ignore it.  When people tell you you're blushing, smile or nod and tell them you know, and then go right back to what you're doing.  Even my mom stil points it out, but I know she's not trying to be insulting, so sometimes you just have to agree that you are blushing and get on with it.

    As for your friends, in not so nice terms, f**k em!  If you're close to any of them, try explaining that you hate it when they make a game out of it, it's really embarassing, etc.  If your friends stop, you know they're really your friends. If not, they have no business calling themselves friends anyway.  My bf still points out when I turn the color of a tomato (in a joking way) but knows that if I shoot him a glare or tell him to shush, he'd better cut it out. He even thinks its kind of cute =)  

    Sorry I can't give you a cure-all.  I'm not sure if you're a girl or not, but i noticed that someone suggested lots of makeup, and I can tell you that I tried it and its just a waste - when you blush, you BLUSH, no makeup hides that!  So come to grips with the fact that it's part of you, and there's nothing wrong with it except it being annoying.  Next time someone points it out, take a few deep breaths and then move on.  Its not worth your time to get embarassed or miss out on things because of something silly like this, take it from one who knows.  Good luck! And if you ever feel like ranting about it, send me a message =)

  2. I'm not a doctor, but just try a lot of foundation

  3. blah

  4. you could wear more make up but i think its cute to be honest and dont say you hate life just because of  that your only starting high school wow you need to chill its not that big of a deal at all.. just be yourself and if you say you cant be yourself because of this your wrong.. your not letting you be yourself because you are scared.. so come out of that nut shell and be yourself after all you want everyone to like you for you ... good luck and help answer my questions

  5. i use to have that problem. it's really is imberissing when it's yourself with the problem. wear a powder foundation it works like magic! (bare minerals is $12 at target.) you really don't need lots. lots of liquid foundation makes your face look cak-y and too much powder makes it blotchy

  6. i think you should just forget about it, we all have something that we don`t like about ourselves

  7. wear lots and lots of foundation or some concealer and put just a bit of blush on ur cheekbones so u don't look fake

  8. Sometimes it's better to just ignore it. it will go away with age. if you can't wait that long, get long lasting cover up. that worked for me!

  9. It's gods fault............go and fight with him/her. I do this all the time. I am sure you will get your answer.  

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