
Board game recommendations for a bright 5-year-old?

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Our son enjoys Connect Four, Tangoes, Kids' Monopoly, Animal Rummy, Charades for Kids... He's getting more into the strategy of playing.

Any recommendations for other games (that do not require reading)?




  1. For a strategy game, Risk could be fun especially with the colors and being able to move pieces around, etc.

    Also, chess would be a great game for him if he is learning the ins-and-outs of a game on his own.


  2. Chess.  Ultimate game of strategy.  Teaches how to think ahead.

  3. Candyland,  Clue,  mousetrap, chinese checkers,  dominos,  JENGA!!!

    Sorry,  Frustration,  I could go on and on!  There are so many good games!

      Oh!  And headbands/ Headbands jr,  its like 20 questions, but with silly cards on your head.

  4. Candyland is too boring for an advanced 5yrs. Mouse Trap is fun about twice until the novelty of the trap wears off.

    Carcassonne is a bit too advanced. You could simplify the rules though, the fun bit is the tile-laying and you don't need to read for that.

    I'd try Sorry. There is some very, very basic reading.

    Parcheesi / Ludo and Checkers are also games your child could enjoy. Checkers will get better the more he plays, as long as you're patient enough.

  5. Carcassonne is a great game that a bright five year old could play.  It is a tile placement game, and no reading required.  You won't find it at stores like Wal-mart, you'll have to actually go to a game store for this one, or look for it on  Another good resource for good games is

  6. monopoly

  7. Try Checkers, Go Fish, Crazy Eights, etc. Oh! Or, there's this game by Cranium made for kids 4 and up called Cariboo. At the beginning of the game, you put small colored balls through the "magic holes". To figure out where the balls are you have to match either colors, shapes, numbers or letters (depending on what age is playing). When you find a ball, you put it through the treasure chest slot and once all of the balls are in the slot, the treasure chest opens up. It's actually a really cute game and quite fun too!

  8. Hands Down

    Mouse Trap

  9. Try Battleship!

  10. I would think chess would be too tough for a 5 year old.  You might try checkers, chinese checkers, backgammon, or mancala,

  11. go u learn by playing its a game for smart ppl who can think ahead and enjoy strategy games

  12. for a bright 5 year old, maybe you could get a game Cadoo.  my kids loved it and i thought it was fun too.  there are a lot of fun activities involved in the gameplay.

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