
Boardgame for the beginning roleplayer?

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Okay,I have played munchkin before, and I love that game. And Ive also role-played on forums before. But what is a good game for the ABSOLUTE beginner at like Dungeons and dragons? I really like the whole " Game master who leads everything,and the people have to make decisions like in a story."




  1. The game is not what's important anyone can learn any game what is important is the group. If as players they don't take the the time to teach newbies the game then sooner or later the games won't have any players. The d20 system while not as flexible as some systems is easy to learn and can be as story driven or action driven as you like it to be again because of  the other players.

  2. I don't know a board game, but personally, I'd say D&D itself is great for beginners! The key is having an excellent DM. A DM can do much of the work of the game. For instance, a DM can pre-make characters for the players and present them with "OK, we have a warrior, a wizard, a priest, and a rogue - who wants what?" rather than having them make their own. He (or she) can also present players with options in the game. Instead of "OK, what do you do next?" he can say "OK, you hear scraping noises beyond the door. Do you open it, listen some more, check for traps, or would you like to try something else?" Yeah, sure, this is kind of guiding the players, but sometimes beginning players NEED a bit of guidance.

  3. I love Muchkin! It certainly is a beginning game of role-playing forums. I would look at playing one of three games, they are moving into role-playing from board games.

    Descent : Journey In the Dark

    This game has the scenarios already written, there is one player that plays the GM and then up to 4 others make their way through the dungeons making decisions and resolving combat.

    Here is the game description for

    Betrayal at House on the Hill

    This is a great game for 3-6 players. You begin working through a house as a cooperative group, then at some point, the game changes and one player has a different ending than the rest do. The player with the separate scenario works by himself to kill the rest of the players while the remaining players work together to kill the one player. It's fun because the same player isn't always the GM and you still have to work on the problem.

    Here is the description from


    A new edition was released in 2007.

    Here is the description from

  4. vampire is more story snd decition based, good description is needed and its not a full action kinda game, althou you can chose any game and just find a good DM witch is hard,

    but hey good luck

    rpg rules.

  5. I'm not sure how in-depth you want your role-playing game to go, but I have a few ideas. Please understand that I don't like role-playing games, but I do like the fantasy adventure game genre. Here are a few games I have in my collection.

    Return of the Heroes. This game is played on tiles placed randomly so as to complete a map. There are creatures to fight and quests to complete, and the defeat of the creatures and the completion of the quests allow you to improve the skills of your character. Among other things, you must complete an epic quest to get an item you must possess to defeat The Nameless One. The player who defeats The Nameless One is the winner. Up to four players can play this game. A two-player version of this game, called Under the Shadow of the Dragon, is also available. In this version, you must find one of three magic weapons to defeat the Dragon that terrorizes the land. You can combine these two games (they are completely compatible) to make a larger game that up to six people can play.

    Runebound Second Edition. This is an excellent game, in my opinion. Players must defeat creatures and complete quests to earn experience points, which they exchange to level up their characters. You also find cool items here and there, as well as gold pieces you can spend in towns to buy cool new weapons and armor. The rules and game mechanics are straightforward, and the game isn't too difficult to learn. There is a certain quest you must complete to win, depending on which expansion(s) you are playing with. The beauty of this game is the expansions available. There are currently 27 different expansions, and all of them add a different flavor, or sometimes a whole new set of victory conditions, to the game. A word of warning, though: this game is long. Be sure you have an entire afternoon and evening to play, because it does take a long time. This is especially true if you play with the character deck expansions. If you find the First Edition of this game, do NOT buy it. It was released too quickly, and had some major problems. Be sure you pick up the Second Edition. (It will say "Second Edition" right on the box.)

    World of Warcraft: The Board Game. If you have ever played the online role-playing game of this name, you will love the way it has been translated into a board game. Even if you haven't, you will enjoy the role-playing take on this game. Players play on two opposing teams, and each team works together to complete their team quests, upgrade their characters, and finally take on the big boss to win the game. This game is fairly long, and takes a lot of table space.

    Descent: Journeys in the Dark. This is a great dungeon-crawling adventure game in which each player plays one or more heroes who cooperate to defeat the creatures in dungeons and scarf up treasure. With the treasure you can train your hero(es) to have better abilities and buy better weapons and equipment. One player plays the dungeon creatures and acts as dungeon master. He has a different set of rules to play with, and his goal, of course, is to defeat the hero(es). This game is quite long as well, with even the simplest dungeons taking several hours to complete. The rules are also quite complicated compared to the other games I have mentioned. But it is by far the closest game you will get to Dungeons & Dragons in feel and flavor. There are currently three expansions to this game.

    Hope this helps. - LJS

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