
Boarding school curriculum and social life?

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Ok, I'm thinking about going to a boarding school for my junior and possibly senior years of high school. But, before I decide for sure, I was wondering if someone could give me some information? Mainly I'm curious about whether or not the credits I got in public school will transfer, but also about what social life is like in boarding school. Are people generally friendlier, or is it pretty much the same as public school? Are roommates hard to deal with?

Any answers and information about things like that would be really helpful. Also, if anyone wants to reccomend a boarding school in the U.S. (preferably in the north east), that would be great too.

Thanks :)




  1. Wish I could help, but this is the homeschooling category and so our kids are, for the most part, taught at home by their parents.  If you do not get the responses you are looking for , you may want to rewrite the question and categorize under other-education, or secondary education.  Good luck.

  2. Whether the credits will transfer or not will depend on the boarding school and its curriculum. As a private school, it probably has more say over its curriculum and may or may not match up with what you've done already.

    I don't know what the kids are like. I would expect it to be better than public school due to the simple fact that living with the kids means that the school personnel will not put up with as much. Roommates individual personalities will be impossible to predict!

    Try here for information on boarding schools.

  3. My husband's mom was a full-time, on-campus nurse at Asheville School. It was a boys-only boarding school back then. Last I heard, they opened it to day students and girls a few years after she retired.

    My husband's family lived right there on campus. The kids had the choice of going to public school or going to the boarding school classes free. His brother took the boarding school class offer and the other two, my husband and his sister, opted for public school. The reason for public school? It was easier, lots easier. His brother did very well with the rigorous course of study and he gradauted with a full tuition scholarship to MIT. Asheville's students are highly sought after by the big name universities.

    Asheville gets students from all over the world. It's not inexpensive to go there. Last time I browsed their materials (I order them periodically for memorabilia for my husband and the older kids who remember visisting Grandma there), it was $38,000 per year room and board plus tuition. That is several thousands more than our entire family gross income!

    The atmosphere at Asheville School was great. There are very high expectations of the students both in terms of academics and in maturity. I remeber the campus as feeling serene, studious, and beautiful. The students behaved with dignity and seemed very content there.

    I don't know if all boarding schools are as beautiful and dignified as Asheville, but I can certainly recomend this one. They have a website if you are curious. Look up Asheville School in Asheville, NC.

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