
Boarding school for boys opinions for and against it, your experiences please?

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my dauther and son on law are investigating boarding school for my eleven year old grandson he is an only child I sm not too happy about it, I realize it is not my place and cannot do any thing about it if they decide to go ahed with it, I suppose I need reassuring that it is the best thing for him




  1. There is so much research showing the positive impact on being with a supporting family through the teenage years. It sounds like he is smart and active, and not the trouble making kind. I'm curious about the parents motivations for wanting to send their only son away. Sure, it might be more beneficial educationally for him, but what will it do to him emotionally? being sent away? I guess my answer would depend on what kind of home life he already has.

  2. well..he is only eleven.and you did not give any details as to why he is being put in a boarding school..

    but it can only make him a better person..i had to do the same ..but diffrent..i sent my son to the marines .and he came home a man..

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