
Boars; Is it normal behavior?

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I have 3 boars in one pen and the alpha still chases the little one around. Its been quite a while and he has bonded perfectly with the other one. The 2 new ones I got at the same time. Will he ever stop treating the little one like this, not letting him eat or rest or play without going up and running him off. I keep looking for bites but I don't see any.




  1. separate him so he doesnt get streested out

  2. It is not recommended to keep boars in trios or more. But as long as their is no blood shed it should be OK. The baby will eventually hit puberty and will fight back - but this may end up in a huge brawl. I would watch them very closely. I would get a cardboard box and cut out a small hole - big enough for the little one but too small for the others to get in. This way he can get away any time he wants. Perhaps put a food bowl in there so he can eat aswell.

  3. Seperate them for a little while.

  4. Yes, this is perfectly normal! Your dominent one is probably just very dominent and makes sure they don't forget it! Some pigs never do get over this, it is normal for them to have squabbles here and there. My pig Grimace is this way. It's like he always rubblestrutts and does nose-offs with Brobee when they intercept. But, like you are saying you don't see any bites marks, but until you do that is when you need to seperate them. This is normal, and no reason to seperate them. Like I said, some pigs never do get over it! He should eventualy calm down. It will just take patience!

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