Be Careful with this one. The seller has a 20' Cuddy Cabin, all fiberglass with a 150 Yamaha for 5800.00 and will deliver the boat. The phone number listed is not valid, seller will only respond via email, seller will not give you any information until you give him all of yours. The ad stated the boat was located in Alamaba, but ended up that it was in Las Vegas with him (the airline pilot). He said he would insure and ship the boat to Mississippi with all cost on him. Ok to ship a boat like this is well over $2000.00 and he is needing the 5800.00 to close on his home. I called the online site that the boat was listed and they verified that this was definately a scam. She told me that he would tell me the boat was shipped and force me to give hime the money before it got to me, then I would never hear from him again and would never see the boat. First of all I would never give anyone my money unless I had the item of that value in my possesssion. Be Careful with this one!!