
Boaters, please explain my childhood trauma?

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One time when I was younger, I went tubing behind my parents 1970 "speed"boat, with 25hp. (It was 1998 when I went) It was my first time tubing. The boat started going and then the tube sank to the bottom of the lake. I didn't know I had to let go of the tube. Why did this happen??




  1. why did the tube sink or why didnt you let go?

  2. I don't think a tube would sink like that unless it was filled with water instead of air, or not inflated enough to support your weight. Maybe something punctured it.

  3. The tube sank because it didn't want to hold air anymore.

    You didn't let go because your parents didn't teach you the fundamentals of water sports or they didn't teach you to trust your life jacket should anything happen.

    Go tubing again, you will get over it. Don't examine it too closely.

  4. well . if .this this the only thing wrong in your life..i say get over it

  5. I'm a little skeptical of this question. Tubes do not sink unless they're fully deflated which would take hours through a small or moderate puncture. If you mean that the tube was nose heavy and started to nose dive into the water, that makes a little more sense but I doubt that a 25hp motor would be able to pull it much deeper than a foot or two and it would immediately resurface when the boat slowed down or if you leaned back. The fact that you say you held on as the tube sank to the bottom of the lake shows a complete lack of common sense on your part and highlights the need for life jackets in all marine sports. If you're totally serious about this question, you just need to have another go on an inflated tube and lean back when the boat starts moving. Hundreds of thousands of people tube each year because it's a safe and fun sport.

  6. front of tube was lower than the back.   as it moved through the water instead of on top of the water, the leading edge submerged.  at that point, it was interacting with the water like an airplane wing interacts with air, except the water forced it down, instead of up.

    it didn't actually "sink" so much as "submerge".  when the forward motion stopped, the tube floated back to the surface.

    you just don't remember that part -- you were probably rescued before it all played out.

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