
Boating on ocean / lake..?

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Hey everyone .. I have what may be a silly question to some, but here goes .. How is being on a boat in a lake, different from being on a boat on the ocean? I ask because my husband and I are debating on going on a dolphin viewing cruise. We are both fine on lake water, and we know that of course waves are bigger on the ocean .. I just don't want to spend the money to go and be sea sick all day, you know? haha .. Thanks to everyone in advance. =)




  1. Don't let any one scare you... the chances are great... that if you have no problems on the lake, you will be great on the ocean... The dolphin boats are generally not in really rough seas.  If any doubt however, I would suggest that you do get and take one of the many "sea sick prevention" or "motion sickness prevention" medications.

    One note of special attention however... I have learned (because I have always been curious, so I make a point to ask) that the people on my vessel who take their medication a full 2 hours before boarding... are the ones that have absolutely no problems... the ones that take it 20 minutes till, or forget and take it when they arrive, are the ones that get sick... Also my own Doctor had confirmed that it takes 2 hours for any of this to get into your blood stream and reach its maximum effectiveness.  

    Most of us, (that make the sea our living) do not like taking medications of any kind... but when I know things are going to get really rough, I take chewable sea sickness tablets as soon as I realize rough seas are moving in.

    So... you might want to be safer than sorry... but in any case, don't let the worry of it all prevent you from going... you will most likely have one of the most memorable experiences of your life, and who knows... you may come back and buy an ocean passage maker... You'll love it!

    (And by the way... yours is certainly not a silly question.)

  2. Boating on lakes can be very different from boating on the ocean. Both can at times be very calm, and both can be quite rough. If you are comfortable on the lake, and you have a chance to go see dolphins on a cruise, it would be a shame to miss the opportunity out of fear. Cruise boat operators are very used to seasickness in passengers, and can give you great advice on how to avoid it. There are also many medications you can take to prevent seasickness. Bonine is a popular medication, and there are many natural ginger-based products.

    Above all, go boating, have fun, and take lots of pictures.

  3. So much of what is stated above is absolutely false.

    Dolphins and coral like warm salt water conditions, so it's unlikely you will see them on a lake.

    When it comes to sea conditions, mother nature could care less weather the water in question is salt water, sea water, warm or cold.   All that matters are things like fetch, wind velocity, water depth and local weather patterns.  I sailed for years on Lake Superior and the conditions were less predictable and often harsher than I've ever seen on the ocean.   Ever hear of the Edmund Fitzgerald?   This iron ore vessel didn't go down because lakes have gentle conditions

    Cruise operators offer their experiences because they think they will be good experiences offered in reasonable conditions.   If you suffer at all from motion sickness, it's a good idea to take appropriate preventative measure regardless of lake or ocean.   Wrist bands are worthless.   People have various results with oral meds and scapolamine patches.  Both can have side effects, especially drowsiness,  so I suggest you try them prior to your cruise some weekend at home when you don't have anything important planned.

    Personally, I like meclanzine, the active ingredient in Bonnie, though you can buy it much cheaper in it's generic form.   It makes many people sleepy for a day or two, so it's good to start it before you travel.   I often start taking it the night before I fly to my sailing destination.  Better to be sleepy on the plane than on the cruise.  Also, while many medications recommend taking them a couple hours before exposure, both studies and personal experience indicate that having it built up in you system over a couple days is even more effective and as I said, by then most people are over the potential early drowsy side effects.

    Seeing dolphins in their natural environment is a great experience.  Have a great trip!

  4. A lake is like walking on the street.  A few bumps here and there, but not like a roller coaster.  The ocean always has wave actions 24/7.  Purchase a SEA SICK pill before going out on the ocean; just in case.  Use it before you get on the boat.  It will make your trip much more enjoyable and help you NOT get sick.  Have fun.

  5. The frequency as well as size of waves in the ocean is larger that that of lakes causing a more gradual and less sharp movement that results in seasickness for some people.

    If you wait until you get to the boat to get seasickness advice from the boat captain, it's too late.  Dramamine does not work that fast.  Take it at least two hours before setting foot on the boat.  While on the boat keep leg joints loose and keep an eye on the horizon.  That will help.

  6. The boat will move very differently on the ocean.

    If you have any doubt at all, take a seasick medication.

  7. I've got to put in my 2 cents as if they are any better than the previous eight postings!

    The question is worth asking, not too lame. I have boated on both calm and choppy lakes with white caps! and Ive fished the pacific ocean for about ten years...

    they are not equal..its easy, no arguments or debates. Find a decent motion sickness preparation-you may want to ask your local physician--dramamine can make you sleepy but it works well. Bonine works good too and meclazine has been around forever and does the trick. I used the scopalamine patch and it works like a charm, Im not sure if thats still on the market, though.

    Most people buy the sample pack from the harbor store--this will not mrok in time! The other posts that say take it 2 hours ahead of yout trip are right..follow the instructions to the 'T"--repeat the dose as it says, in case your trip lasts all day.

    The ocean has a rthymn to it that induces VOMIT! Its hard to explain, stay out of the galley, away from engine exhaust fumes and lousy boat food...dont fall alseep on the boat-you will wake up with that "watery" feeling in your mouth and you know what happens next...chum.

    oh yeah, have fun!

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