
Bobby Brown maintains optimum physical fitness through work-out session with NFL trainer Loren Landow

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Bobby Brown maintains optimum physical fitness through work-out session with NFL trainer Loren Landow
American professional freeskier Bobby Brown has managed to remain in top physical shape this season by availing the services of National Football League (NFL) trainer Loren Landow.
The 20-year-old Colorado-based freeskier had taken quite a number of falls during the 2010 and 2011 winter season, which in turn had left his body in a pretty rough physical state. He was left to deal with intense pain in his lower back and knees, keeping
him from bringing out his best in the snow.
Brown’s agent Jaimeson Keegan hired Landow, director of performance enhancement at the Steadman Hawkins Denver Clinch and personal trainer for a number of NFL pros, to work with the Breckenridge-based freeskier last summer.
The sessions, funded by Brown’s sponsor Red Bull, began to show results almost instantaneously. Landow’s programme effectively began to transform his client’s ailments into his strengths. Relating the weaknesses in the freeskier’s physical fitness to his
lack of core strength, the renowned NFL trainer began to work on turning his weakness into his strength.
“I knew that with Bobby's skill-set and abilities, if we could take away these weak links, boy, he could really magnify his skill-set,” Landow said. “And in the back of his mind he wouldn't have to worry about landing wrong and hurting his back or knees.
I was confident if we took away those weaknesses he could go out and ski uninhibited. Ultimately, whereas early on the core was his weakest link, we made it his strongest asset.”
In order to build core strength to make Brown’s body capable of tolerating stresses from the back while making an impact with the ground, Landow introduced his client to a number of “static positions,” before heading on to other activities such as poly-metrics.
Brown admitted that his sessions with his trainer were having a huge impact on his fitness, making him feel much better and his body much stronger. Making regular trips to Denver to have a work-out session with Landow, the American freeskier is looking to
maintain physical fitness, which would not only allow him to ski his best but will also enable him to continue his career for a longer time.



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