
Bobby Jones vs. Tiger Woods vs. Jack Nicklaus - all in their prime. What's the final score?

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Okay. here's the situation.

All of them have the best technology. Bobby Jones isn't playing with wooden clubs for crying out loud. AND, they are used to playing the newest technology.


72 hole match

1st 18 - @ Pebble Beach

2nd 18 - #2 Pinehurst

3rd 18 - St. Andrews

Last 18 - Augusta National

what's the final score?




  1. Bobby Jones wins it, Tiger second, and Jack last.

  2. Tiger-30 under

    Jack-20 under

    Bobby-14 under

  3. cant be answered..sorry dumb question..thats like stupid//or you in a wheelchair or get runover by a golf cart.and whats so bad you dont know anything about golf//

  4. Tiger would squeek out a win over Jack and Bobby   8 under

  5. Jack at pebble by a stroke

    Bobby at pinehurst by 2 strokes

    Tiger at st. andrews by 2 strokes

    Jack at Augusta by 2 strokes

  6. This is really a no brainer!  No matter how good Tiger looks now you have to look at how dominant Bobby was in his era.  He beat everyone ams and pros, every time he teed it up and not just by a few shots but by truckloads.  He routinely hit 300 yd drives with hickory shafts.  He never even played with steel shafts.  Given modern equipment and looking at the courses, his game would be far and above better than Jack or Tiger.  Final scores:  BJ - 24 under, Tiger - 18 under, Jack - 12 under.

  7. It would be 8 and 7 Tiger over Bobby

    It would be 12 and 11 Tiger over Jack

  8. Assuming the courses are in today's set up as to distances and green speeds and care. I say Tiger go's into Augusta with a six stroke lead and wins by one or two with Jack next and Bobby three or strokes back.

    All three will finish under par.

  9. Bobby Jones is a VERY hard stretch because of the equipment. All this match would come down to is who got the lead first and then by how many. Great question to ponder, I think it would be a great postulated computer program.

  10. I think Tiger Woods will come on top over the other two, BJ & JN. Bearing in mind of Tiger's physical & mental strength, his percentage play anctics, his determination to win plus the carrot money value at stake nowadays. Tiger will end at 18 under, Bobby Jones at 15 under whilst Jack Nicklaus at just 12 under par.

  11. Well, if Ben Hogan was in the mix I would go for Hogan.  However as Jones won the old Grand Slam - U.S. and British Amateur and Opens in the one year, 2 of which were matchplay, and with hicory shafts when most other players had switched to steel, it would have to be Jones.

    Tough one to call though.

  12. tiger by 7 strokes,let me explain first bobby wouldn't play considering tiger is part afro-american in his error this was forbidden and for jack he would be so confused with the technoligy he woldn't be able to keep up in his prime with the equiptment his drive 250-270 tiger 300-340 go figure tiger vs. phil vs vijay

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