
Body Parts??????????

by  |  earlier

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What part of a guy or girl (eyes, hair, chest, butt, etc) is most attractive to you?


What part of your body do you think is most appealing to other guys/girls?




  1. OMG!!

    You naughty!!

    Part for guys----you-know-what!!(lol.....)


    For guys mine:Butt.


  2. I am mostly attracted to a woman's mind, so you could say her brain :p

    As to what part of me others might find attractive? Probably my eyes, my lips, my butt and my b***s lol

  3. i find a guy's eyes, chest and back extremely attractive. haha i just love touching their broad shoulders :]

    i think my figure and sense of humor is most attractive

  4. Face and you know the other parts...

  5. for a guy i love a nice toned/athletic body and pretty eyes

    my eyes and my hair

  6. I attractive to tall guys with a little bit of hairy legs.  

  7. I'm g*y, so I'll only share my opinion of guys...

    I love a man's chest, waist, hair, and butt. They all come together on some people to make some very, very attractive individuals (ex: Tyler from FratMenTV, or Tom Welling, hehe).

    I think my most appealing part is my submissive, yet confident face, and my naturally well-groomed hair. : )

  8. Eyes, hair, package

    butt and package.

  9. to anyone person i would look at their bodies and their faces, but the most attractive part would be the persoanlity.

    as hot as a person can be, if theyre mean or rude....or just boring then i look at them differently.

    theres sum ppl that look average but got that zest for life and r loving and accpeting and fun and u will start to look at them differently and begin to feel attracted to them(at least thats how it is for me)

    ppl say that i got a cute smile i guess, but i persoanlly never favored any part of my body hahaha

  10. a nice figure =]

    oh i dont know....

  11. Eyes, smile, and hair.

  12. eyes...if a person has eyes that I feel really connected to when I look into them, I'm all arms are nice, but so is my ****, its a tie lol  

  13. on guy i would have to say his smile then chest, (:

  14. I love eyes and a great smile and bone structure.

    I have great big doe eyes and nice straight perfect teeth thanks to four years of braces. :D and i'm slender. So i can eat like a cow and not fret about it ;D

  15. I go for girls, and at them i always look for a nice ***, beautiful eyes and great long hair hair

    and i consider my cleavage as something pretty nice... and my gorgeous short dark-choclat brown hair
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