
Body for my boxing style?

by Guest60819  |  earlier

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i know this may sound stupid but i am 16 years of age and i box and i would love to know how i could get a body like a young mike tyson, i am about 65 kg at the moment and i am only small ( 5 foot 5) like he was for his weight aswell and i also box like him on the inside so i think it would be ideal for me to have a explosive muscular body like him how would i go about this?




  1. Go to a body building gym. Not a boxing gym. Body Building gyms allows you to build most of your muscle easily.But if you want to be more muscular, buy a Weight gainer or Whey protein. It helps you to have more protein to create bigger muscles. I'm taking it too. but im skinny so i need to eat more. I also do take up boxing. Since i've taken the weight gainer, my body starts to become fat. And when i got fats, i trained harder. Now the fat has become muscles. Hope you will have a body like mike tyson at his teenage times.

  2. you have the body that you have and that is what you have. Don't go trying to get somebody else's body. To be a better boxer you need to improve your own strengths. What are the best qualities you have? for more information on fitness and nutrition go to make sure you  have at least 1 rest day or 2 if needed but on the days that you do not box you should work on general exercise and you can get a lot of good information from for fitness and nutrition.

    Also very important in regard to the exercises you chose from that website. You should know that weight lifting until you are at least 18-19 years old is not a good idea. You will benefit much more right now from sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, running (long and sprints), swimming, squat thrusts, air lunges, air squats, lye down on a bench and grab behind your head then bring your knees to you chest while also lifting up part of your lower torso, jumping pull-ups, knees to elbows(hang from pull-ups bar and bring your knees to your elbows),  arm hang, rope climbing, biking, etc

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