
Body hair?How to remove them?

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I have more than normal body hair! is it ok for girls? I also have facial hair like sideburns.I get wax done but is there any other solution for it .I am also not too sure to get laser done to my whole body.




  1. You should talk to your doctor. I have a medical problem called PCOS. (Here's the site: and I get a lot of extra body hair ( on stomach, face) and I am going to have to get it off by laser. I thought I was just producing to much testosterone, but it was more serious. Hope this helps and good luck!

  2. i have been waxing my side burns for years now let me tell you it does make the hair thiner and less everytime you get it done- so i would stick with waxing.

  3. every woman has testosterone in her and thats normal that you have some hairy parts to you, every woman does, and if she says diff, shes lying. you could pluck the hairs,bleaching, and waxing thats all you can do besides laser treatments.

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