
Body issues??? help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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So I really hate my body!!!! Don't look at my avatar because that was 10lbs ago. How can I lose those stupid 10lbs quickly. I have cut my calories, drink lots of water, and am always moving around. I have already lost some weight but I want those 10lbs to go the he// away. What are some other things I can do? Every time I get dressed or look in the mirror I get so depressed.

Don't lecture me. This is something I want to do and lecturing me won't change my mind. Please just give me an answer :+)





  1. your too thin. keep your clothes on.

  2. I should bonk you in the head, V8 Juice style.

  3. if i were you, i would be glad those 10 lbs aren't gone...i'm sure you look way better now that in your picture...sorry but im being honest, in that picture you look a little anorexic

  4. Its very very simple. Believe me, do jogging every day (early in the morning). U should sweat out. Tell me the result after 1 month. If u really cant run, atleast go for brisk walk but it should be early in the morning.

    Good luck.

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