
Body language with photography?

by  |  earlier

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Why do humans, and especially women, tilt their head to one side, and if standing, tend to place one foot forward when being photographed, for example?

Men tend to drop a shoulder slightly, or pull their shoulders back.




  1. Women do that to look slimmer. Men do that to look chunkier.

  2. Does it matter?

  3. no idea.

  4. If you're looking at something like a yearbook, the reasons are simple- the photog said so. In all my photos except yearbook ones, I'm staring right ahead.

  5. i think u gottooooo much spare time on ur hands

  6. Women tend to express more body language than the male counter part.

    Also influence by photos on the medial, for eg models do tend to express various positions when posing.

  7. I think Madonna described it best :

    Strike a pose, there's nothing to it.

    Humans behave differently when being observed. Ask any time and motion professional.

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