
Bodybuilder Post Workout Tips Help?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, i have about a 550 post workout meal that includes: 320 cals Protein Shake (about 35g of protein) and then the rest is mostly carbs and a little bit more protein

I heard that if you p**s and its foamy or bubbley that means your pissing out protein,....SO, is it bad to take a p**s after you eat all of that protein?




  1. okay bodybuilders are not show offs we just hone our bodies to perefction.

    no you **** out protein not p**s it out.

    so no p**s away.  

    oh btw add another 15g of protein to that shake

  2. for the carbsI would take about 60 or so grams of carbs, basically a bottle of Gatorade.  


    as far as the pissing goes make sure it not yellow.  If it is yellow then you are not drinking enough water. When you take proten you body will dehydrate.

  3. Bodybuilders are nothing but showoffs.  

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