
Bodybuilders & trainers please open.?

by Guest56241  |  earlier

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So I'm 16, almost 17, & I'm trying to gain muscle. I'm about 125 lbs, & I'm just looking to tone, and build a nice body. I wanna know, what foods should I eat, what exercises should I do, & how many months will it take me to get a good body doing what you tell me to do. I'm looking to be physically fit by October or November. I mostly need my arms done, since I pretty much have abs. So any quick way to get big arms? Any info would help me a-lot. Oh, and don't say anything about taking roids, because I'm not into that.




  1. start readin muscle and fitness magazine, they always have great tips and workouts.  BTW don't just workout your arms, then you'll be like the people I make fun of in the gym, you know the guy with huge pipes and chicken legs. and don't expect results too soon because my arms are the part of my body that developes the slowest.

    Make sure not to always do the same workout, your bodywill get used to, do different things, like for biceps, don't always do straight bar curls. like one workout you'll do hammer curls, preacher curls and incline curls, then the next workout do reverse curls, ez-bar curls and regular cable curls.

    Don't workout the same muscle in the course of 72 hours to giveyourself the maximum amount of time to recover and heal. consume aproximately 100 grams of protein per day, the magazines will say like 1g-2.5g/ lbs of body weight, but I'm too poor to buy that much protein powder. If you wanna gain weight I think you should kill a muscle by doing three different exercises per muscle 3sets of 10 reps for each exercise. then wait about 72 hours before you workout that muscle again or longer if you still feel sore.

    I know these are all kinda random and I basically didn't give a workout plan because I'm too lazy but the mags will definately help.  Good luck with you training.

  2. The key ingredient to gaining muscle mass is to add lots of PROTEIN to your daily diet. You should have 1.0-1.5 grams of protein for each pound you weigh. Protein helps your body to build lean muscle after your workout. Speaking of workout, I would start with simple toning exercises (low weight/more reps) to get your muscles used to being worked. After about 2 weeks you can go to the strengthening exercises (high weight/low reps). This will break down your muscles fast and with all the protein in your diet, when they heal it will be solid lean muscle mass.

    I would recommend you take creatine after your workout in your shake, this is because I have read that alot of people can be affected negatively if they take it before and it doesn’t help with their energy at all. Mix about 5grams of it with your whey protein and take it that way. The post workout shake is crucial and people mix in all sorts supplements together. Personally, I take 5g creatine, 50g protein, 30g carbs, and 3g L-Glutamine.

    After your workout there is a window of opportunity for your diet. Your muscles and body is drained and so anything you consume is more likely to be absorbed and taken in by the muscles, this is when creatine is most affective and should have your muscles recharged and full of energy before your next workout.

    Push-ups are very good. But most people think of the simple ones, but there are many different types of push-ups that work different parts of your upper body. Wide, Regular, Diamond, Feet elevated, one-handed, all of these work different parts of the chest/arms. And you will find yourself using muscles you didn't even know you had.  

  3. SizeOn creatine man. I'm 18 and made the decision around the same time, although i was already big. Really recommend it, i have tried Various suppliments and had alot of success with this one. It made my arms huge along with a good workout regime. Try to make a high protein diet, along with your fruits and veggies. Add yourself some whey protein shakes, or any kind of protein shakes alot with the SizeOn if you go that route. It is a great blend of high quality creatines as well as aminos for recovery time. It took me about a month and i started noticing amazing results. Alot of vascularity along with my muscles constantly bulging and constantly looked like i was flexing. Do yourself some shoulder workouts, tricepts: skull crushers, pull downs, incline bench. And also do concentration curls and hammer curls. It worked great for me, and i also do back workouts, lats and core. My arms are bigger than ever and muscles are always getting bigger. Good luck.  

  4. Well congrats on the inspiration to work up a nice bod.

    Most guys start off and expect results in a week... however it is never that easy, for if it was, everyone would look like an athlete. You will notice changes in your body after about 6 weeks... but they won't be visible to teh rest of us for around 6 months.... and after 2 years you will look buff and pumped all the time .... and after 5 years... you will be a man mountain, if that's where you wanna head.

    You havent said if you have access to a gym... but you can do stuff without gym equiment... pushups, lunges, squats, chin ups... running.. swimming...

    or if you go to a gym, I recommend that you start an all over workout.. even though you only wanna do arms... those arms need support to grow without causing a musclular imbalance... so an all over body workout is the ONLY way to go.

    Here's a typical routine for starters:

    Do it for 8 weeks... and make gym a habit... you will feel great in no time really..... just remember those aches really feel good after a while.

  5. Just keep on doing what you are already doing... you are doing a great job.  Just understand that this takes time.

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