
Bodybuilding question!?

by  |  earlier

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okay, i want to be a bodybuilder. but all bodybuilders go to the gym 5 times a week! how do they pay for food and whatever?




  1. I don't know where you heard that but you should workout only 3 times a week or your muscles will get sore and damaged. If you are a beginner then you should probably aim for 3 times a week. Professionals work out 3-4 times a week. They don't pay you or anything it's just like a hobby to them and they get money probably from tournaments or something.

  2. you can not go to gym and just buy some weights.

    or get yourself sponsored so they pay for you  

  3. Half of bodybuilding is resting and food intake. Obviously lots of protein and such. And actually, you can hit the gym 5 or so times a week, I just don't recommend it atall. And if you do this, make sure to give muscles proper resting time, Don't work the same ones within 3 days of your last workout. I would suggest working 1 muscle group per day, like back, arms, legs, core, all a day for each.

  4. You best join them and ask questions!

  5. I train 5 times a week but the workouts are designed for certain muscle groups.  We do not go into the gym and work all the muscles every day.  Check out the following site for some excellent information:

    If you are serious about bodybuilding it is a complete lifestyle change, it is a lifestyle all it's own and a serious commitment of mind and body.

    Good luck!

  6. body building requires great dedication.

    4 days at the gym, 3 days off, 4 days on, three days offf,

    but your diet is clean REGARDLESS.

    no white carbs,

    no eating after 6 pm,

    no drinking besides light beers, once a week,

    45 minutes cardio everyday,

    45 minutes  very strenuous weight training

    4 days on, 3 days off...

    .working one or  two different muscle groups each day, tri's and bi's one day, legs the next day, chest and back the next day.....

    eating clean every two hours , at least 5-6 times a day... small meals...

    you can divide your normal breakfast into 3 different meals, same with lunch and dinner so the food cost isnt elevated, you are just splitting the meals into 1/3rds and 1/2s

    It is a lifestyle,

    can you handle all this?

  7. they educate themselves about nutrition so they get the best deal for their money....and thhey also have real jobs to support themselves

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