
Boe staff tips?

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I just got a Boe staff and I am training my self how to use it. I was just wondering if any body has some adive of links to great sites.




  1. I wish you luck in your quest to learn the bo. For starters let me say that the word bo is sufficient by itself. In other words it is not correct to say "Bo Staff". That is like saying "staff staff", Or "Stick Stick".

    If you just want to play around with the bo have at it.  However if you really want to learn you need to learn from someone that has many years of training with it.  Otherwise you are basically trying to re-invent the wheel. The Bo techniques were perfected over many years by people that had to depend on it to stay alive. It is not likely that you will be able to teach yourself without picking up some flaws in your technique that could cost you your life in a real fight against someone that has trained in the Bo and it's proper use.

    Best to find an instructor with many years of training in its use.

  2. Remember to always stretch before practicing, that way you can prevent any muscles from being pulled.

  3. Everyone has very good advice. Please pay attention to what they're saying.

    The first thing I do with a new bo is sand off the varnish. This prevents the tackiness that tends to come when you sweat against the varnish.

    Since you're not using it in a martial art, spend your time moving slowly with it. Look at how it moves when you shift it at low speed. When you spin it, look at how you can transition in ways that don't force you to cross your arms. Get used to the length and balance. Feel where it balances, consider what movements keep you balanced and what take you off balance.

    Good luck and don't hurt yourself.

  4. Must divide staff into 3 even sections for holding staff for different defensive and offensive techniques. mark with tape. leave a smaller section (4 to 5 inches) at the ends of staff for holding it for long range attacks. Remove types from sections when you can hold the staff correctly with out using the types for reference. use sand paper periodically to keep it from giving you splinters.

  5. find the balance point and wrap a ring of electrical tape around it.


    Nice Shidoshi... I totally breezed over the fact that they were training themselves.

    And to agree with him I would try my best to find an instructor. Otherwise you'll just be a person who can flip a stick around without martial application knowledge.

  6. To be honest all the other advice is good but nothing beats a good instructor. Now if you are bent on training yourself on the Bo (proper spelling, adding staff is redundant its like saying the staff staff) go to a good MA store and get a good Video/DVD from a reputable Master and start with the basics and work from there. Remember one thing though "Number of times over equals certainty" stay with the basics until you have mastered them and you will avoid undue injury to self and other and your furniture I'm sure you don't want to buy a new lamp every other day.

    Hope this Helps

  7. First would be to find an instructor that can teach you the bo in person.
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