
Boeing 787 Shattering Upon Crash?

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Is anyone else sick of the people that complain about planes like the 787 that use carbon fiber composites instead of aluminum. They talk like its made out of some incredibly brittle plastic that will shatter into a million pieces in the event of a crash, wen it actuality its stronger and lighter then aluminum. Srry its more of a rant then an actual question.




  1. carbon fibre is stronger than aluminium and can actually be made stronger than steel. Many bullet proof vests are now made of carbon fibre and carbon fibre is lighter and would require less power to lift into the air and less energy to keep in the air

    If the aircraft is going to crash it won't matter what the material and the carbon fibre will be stronger and withstand the impact better due to the honeycomb effect in the material and.... a bullet will have more difficulty penetrating carbon fibre aircraft skin than aluminium

  2. Its a new plane using materials that has been used on other planes but just on a lower scale. People are gonna ***** about it cus its kinda new. Boeing has done the drop test and it shows the plane in the event of a crash will act just like any other plane flying, so its just ignorance to say the 787 will crumble just cus its composite.

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