
Boeing and Airbus carbon footprint?

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can somebody help me out and tell me what boeing and airbus have done to there aircraft or will be doing to there aircraft change the way they emit co2 and other harmful emissions to our atmosphere thanks....




  1. although it is mostly up to the engine manufacturers Boeing for example is using carbon fiber in the new 787 which will reduce weight thereby reducing power required thereby reducing emission by 20%

    and also individuals like Richard Branson are also helping he's the owner of virgin alantic and is helping lead the way of alternative fuels


    and are you aware that a average jet is more feul efficent then a car

  2. Boeing and Airbus can do their bit with high lift wings etc, but also its down to the engine designers at Rolls Royce, GE, CFM etc.

    Today the most fuel efficienct passenger aircraft is Airbus's A380 it burns less fuel per passenger than any other large passenger aircraft.

  3. "Carbon footprint" is a hoax perpetrated by Europeans as a way of gaining a trade advantage.  There is no evidence that the CO2 output of airplanes has anything to do with climate change, warming/cooling, or whatever.  It's a scam to sell French cars to people who wouldn't otherwise buy them.

  4. who cares this carbon footprint deal is the biggest scam ever all these tree-hugger clowns like AL Gore are after is you money. They offer carbon credits for sale to allow tree-huggers to get over their guilt of using a fossile fuel by paying AL Gore some cash. If we had been drilling in ANWAR we would not be in the situation we are today.

  5. probably nothing! all they see is profit ! its disgusting! i hope they something though

  6. Boeing has changed the lift on the wings, and the types of motor built for them are of a higher standard now and pollute less, (GE) and use less fuel with the change in take off procedures used today. (angle of take off )  

    In the future, Boeing is has testing underway with the U.S. Gov. and Military for the use of Hydrogen to power planes in the near future.  The fuel is three times more powerful, and in a few years you will be hearing about all of this on the discovery channel and not just in a answer and chat room.

  7. Its not Boeing or Airbus it comes down to GE, R&R, P&W.

  8. they are making the fuselage out of carbon fiber that is light weight and strong

  9. Honestly, if you compare the same number of people using their cars for a trip of the same distance, and, as carbon footprint requirements differ in different countrys, any modern jet co2 emission is small - very small.

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