
Boeing or Airbus?

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Any why?




  1. Boeing

  2. I wrote a term paper 2 years ago about why Boeing is better than Airbus... I had the only A in the class.  Here's a quick summary w/ some more updated information...

    Boeing's 747 is an economic success while the A380 is proving to be a disaster.  

    In 2007, Boeing sold more $$ worth of airplanes than Airbus.  

    Boeing is outselling Airbus with the 787 vs A350.  

    Airbus's fly-by-wire has had an incredible amount of problems - many that you haven't even heard about.  

    The industry is moving towards smaller airplanes for a point-to-point network (787 advantage).  

    The EU has over subsidised Airbus's failures to keep them afloat.  Although Boeing gets subsidies too, they haven't been as many or as large, and the EU's constant pumping of money into failing projects is unfair competition.  

    Airbus sells to terrorists.

  3. Airbus, as a passenger most Airbus planes are quieter than their Boeing counterparts except in the case of the 737 vs A320(you can't really tell them apart). The A330 beats the 767, the A340 though less economical beats the 777 by far, its not even fair to compare the noise from the two planes. The A380(makes half of the nose of a 747 on landing and a quarter less on take- of) kills the 747 and is the quietest plane in the sky right now.

    Both are good manufacturers, but i just prefer Airbus, the subsidy and Fly-by-Wire problems are just a load of hogwash. Boeing gets military subsidies too. Airbus's FBW are perfectly safe, if they weren't the FAA wouldn't have certified them. The 787 doesn't compete with the A350. The 747 sold more than the A380 cus it was available earlier. Boeing's latest version of the 747, the 747-8i has only sold 20 frames to one Airlines.

  4. Boeing all the way. Long history of innovation and quality. And they've been able to compete without the massive government subsidies that Airbus still receives.

    And, I work at Boeing, and I like getting pay cheques.

  5. airbus

  6. Boeing....

    1.because its aircrafts are more fuel efficient

    meaning more environmentally FRIENDLY

    2.for Unlike the A380 the 787 it doesnt need runway extensions to land at San Francisco International Airport

    3.Because it had more Interesting Histories than Airbus

  7. Airbus.  I don't like having a yoke sticking up between my legs.  Plus, the pull-out tray table is really nice.  Otherwise, it really makes no difference to me as long as the pay is good.

  8. boeing longer history

  9. BOEING!!!!

    my dad works there so this year i took a tour of the everett washington factory which btw is the biggest.

    and they were telling us some facts about it

    and its so much more ergonomic

    and plus if a plane is down they ship out a part that HOUR!!!

    like there is a plane on runway waiting for it.

    and they have the part no joke 4 hours later

    where ever they are

    they have it right threr so the company isnt losing money

    and they work on the part right when they get it there while airbus keeps it for about a month or so more than that probably

    all in all boeing is just a better company

    and if you want to go to school they will pay for it

    and if you get a degree in whatever you want and if you continue to work for them they give you so much stock

  10. Just ask the mechanic who worked on both of them and they will say with one large voice....."BOEING"!!!! The quality is not even close as the Boeing is a much better made vessel.

  11. Boeing.

    their aircraft appear so much better looking and their technology just seems to surpass airbus

  12. Boeing is better and more comfortable

  13. Boeing. I like to fly.

    I want control over a aircrat not a computer.

  14. Both companies make fine machinery, and many professional pilots have little or no preference.

    When I started out, airlines in the USA were not yet using Airbus products.  You could fly Boeing, Lockheed, or Douglas airplanes.  The Lockheeds are all gone now.

    Some old timers prefer Boeings over Airbus products just because that's what they have known the longest.  After 12 years in 727s and 747s, I got a crack at some familiarization time in an Airbus 340.  At the risk of sounding heretical, I loved it.  It was well made, it flew like an angel, and it was easier to operate than the Boeing.

    In the long run, I am very glad I was hermetically sealed into a Boeing machine all those years.  But Airbus airplanes are fine.

  15. Airbus aircraft are fully digitalized aircraft, and it's fully fly by wire(no cable). The keel beams and wing structures utilized composite materials. It's lighter, hence burn less fuel.

  16. Boeing

    Did Airbus ever make an aircraft that obliterated entire cities?

    I didn't think so........

  17. Airbus: they are more innovative than Boeing.  Despite claims to the contrary here, the quality is just as fine, and, as Aviophage says, they fly at least as well too.  

    Consider that Airbus has only been a major player for around 20 years (when it was getting to the point of having a full range of aircraft), and as often as not beats Boeing for orders and deliveries.  Consider also that much of the rest of the world's airlines does not feel any loyalty to either company apart from where they get an economic benefit, such as servicing and operating economies.

    As to the claim that Airbus receives susidies, well so does Boeing: both do, so get over it.

    In response to Alex, US subsidies of Boeing are comparable to Airbus subsidies (US subsidies to Boeing are hidden in military expendidure)., and the B747 was considered a bit of a lemon in the first few years of operation too: airline interest was not that great, and many airports were also not set up for the Jumbo.

    Airbus sells to terrorists?  Where did you get that from?  September 11, 2001 featured an all Boeing fleet, and Boeing will sell to anyone who can purchase their aircraft too.

    The point to point network idea is mostly within the US, remember there is the rest of the world, and longer haul large aircraft are an advantage.  Consider also that while Boeing currently favour the shorter direct routes, US airspace is not really set up to cope with it.  Europe and Asia are.

    The B787 outsells the A350?  Big deal.  In 20 years Airbus has grown to rival Boeing, and neither company has exactly been a model for good corporate citizenship.

  18. A380, hugh double decker.

  19. Both make the same machines that do the same job to get people and cargo from point A to point B.

    I think Airbus made a huge mistake developing the A380 and Boeing is on the right track with development of the 787.

    If you are partial to American Aviation Industry/History then you will probably prefer Boeing.
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