
Bogey/Greedy MO: Is this name calling bullying..????

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... or is it only bullying if he cries...???

Mo and Rachel have put up with MUCH worse than Sara.. why is there not the same sort of sympathy??

..and before you say its true (he is greedy) ... a lot of people think what Darnell said to Sara was/is true too...

..and a lot of people think Rachel IS as boring as REX says...

is it still bullying if its true...??


the easily led.. will be easily led...




  1. calling someone a **** or slag or whatever is not nice full stop. If I had been Sara I would have punched Darnel in the mouth. IMO it is not bullying, just plain nastiness. I am speaking as a person who was bullied for 3 years and if I had got what Sara, Rachel and Mo have been getting it would have been like a walk in the park!!!

    EDIT: and then some lol

  2. What?

  3. Sounds like you're talking about BB, I have no idea who or what they are you are talking about.

    But I think you are saying you can only be bullied if you let someone bully you, and I totally agree.

    Bullies don't pick on just anyone, they pick on those who act like victims.

  4. i'd never thought of it like that but i think its in the intention. Darnell's intention was to hurt Sara and back her into a corner. Mo and Rachel have put up with some harsh words but that has resulted from others being deprived of food eaten by Mo and Rachels sitting on the fence is so annoying.

    Sara didnt like Darnell romantically - that is no reason to treat her so bad.

  5. I think Big Brother only step in when the person getting 'bullied' is upset and doesn't seem to be handling it well.

    Being called greedy and boring isn't as bad as being called a **** an being called ugly.

  6. the easily led.....

    well if that makes you feel better. some people can just recognise wrong,intimidating and shameful behaviour. simple as.

  7. *sigh* talk about clutching at straws!!!!!

    Just face it, Darnell was in the wrong!!!! The experts at BB thought so and i'm inclined to believe them!

    Its not just that, Sarah didnlt cry until well after BB had called her into the DR

  8. I have to say that some name calling is definitely worst than others.

    It would depend on why one is being called a name and if one finds it funny when one is called that name.

    I think Mo finds it funny most times when they call him names. He even plays on it now.

    Sara didn't like being called a Sl*t and to be honest "sl*t" is not a nice word and no woman would be happy to be called that; but when one act as if one has screwed and is prepared to s***w a thousand men, one should not be too surprised to be called that name.

  9. I think ANY form of name calling, whether the subject  cries or not, is still bullying, as it's designed to hurt the victim of the name calling.

  10. oh come off it seriously how is calling someone boring, or greedy the same as calling someone a **** and speculating on how many partners they have had,

    mo has been greedy, who eats bogeys for a f@cking can of cider, he is the first to run for the food when it arrives, everyone in and who has come out of the house agrees that he is greedy,

    and rachel has had some light ribbing, at times it has been a bit much but on the whole it is not on the same level as what sara has had to put up with,  and lets face it rachel is a bit boring,

    darnell is pissed of cos he couldn't get in her knickers she blew him out on tv, he thinks she has made him look like a idiot so he is now getting his own back on her - his is out of pure spite,

    calling someone ugly and a **** is not that same as calling someone greedy and boring -  

    i have to disagree i don't think anything that rachel and mo has had to put up with has been worse, neither do the a lot of people who have complained to endomel and Ch4

    which is wht i said at times it was a bit much, and i'm sure she did go to the diary room upset because of what rex said after he saw her vt

    there has been alot of bullting this year,  but since alex was booted, it has not been on a vicous level until darnell has started

  11. But he is greedy.  He is inconsiderate because he helps himself to seconds on the food when there is barely enough to go around.  It's quite right someone mentioned about this.  He's disgusting and farts whenever the likes.  Do you think it is acceptable to eat other people's bogeys?  No manners or respect for other hms.

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