
Boiling hydrogen peroxide?

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How can I get 1 cup 6% hyrdogen peroxide from 3% ?? Boiling off the excess water? and how do I measure it.





  1. you can estimate what percent it is at by how much water is left in the container.  if you boil it make sure it is below the boiling point of hydrogen peroxide which is 150.2 degrees CELSIUS.  if it evaporates it could explode. so make sure you measure the temperature often.

  2. go buy another 30% hydrogen peroxide reagent from merck and then make a 6% solution. hydrogen peroxide undergoes disproportionation reaction at normal conditions especially at the presence of light. mere evaporating or standing for a long time will experience disproportionation. heating will for sure increase the rate of disproportionation and therefore the 6% would not be achieved accurately (most probably lesser than 6%).

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