
Boils in the genital area?

by  |  earlier

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I have gotten boils in my genital area ever since middle school

i know my cousin got treatment for her son but my doctor told me there

was nothing i could do about it but i have state insurance so i feel like

she was basically lying im

tired of them there not appealing and embarrasing does anyone know

what i should do ???? should i switch doctors?????? anyone know

how to treat them???? i get them right before my period comes on




  1. switch doctor!NOW!


  3. oh my god thats nasty!

    why dont u like ... google??

    u do have google right?


  4. Try some garlic in your food I am not saying it will work for you but I use to get them down there my self for years. A friend told me about how garlic helps thin the blood and other things about it so i tryed it and I have not had one down there in 3yrs good luck.

  5. boils?...are u sure it isnt herpes

  6. I have had them appear around that area at times also,

    whether due to too tight pants (from the rubbing), or else

    from something in your diet. (like acidity food,etc.)

    I bought 'boil-ease' from

    the pharmacy, or wherever they sell medications, etc. and

    it works wonders, and quickly. With only a little bit of the

    ointment applied at night, the pain disappears by morning,

    and the boil itself is gone in a day or two. Try some.

    and, good luck.

  7. Boils usually appear when you are run down. Could be working too hard.  

    breast feeding often brings boils. Your body is working too hard. Time to take care of you.

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