
Bold children 2008?

by Guest57406  |  earlier

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every night i put my 7 year old to bed and he comes down every 5 minutes for every reason under the son / a kiss/cuddle/water/food/hug/chat/ you name it he does it this goes on for about 2 hours every night till i loose my temper at him.

ps he gets hug kissed told he is loved fed and drink before he goes to bed / any ideas on how to solve this problem.




  1. tell him no, put him in his room and leave him there. if he comes again, tell him no, and do it over and over - he'll realize he's getting nothing out of it.

  2. He is obviously sent to bed too early. He sleeps 2 hours later than the time you put him to bed every day. Send him to bed 1 hour later than you use to and tell him to stay there and after that time no more kisses, water,food or whatever. He is old enough to get it. Just be firm.

  3. Give him a teddy bear, and tell him to talk to it instead.

  4. We all have this problem.

    Start putting him to bed at the same time you normally do, and when he comes down, lead him upstairs and put him in bed again. Don't talk to him apart from good night the first couple of times- keep to one word sentances like 'bed' and 'sleep.' Keep doing this. It may take 10 minutes, it may take an hour, but eventually he WILL stay in bed.

    The reason he's doing this is obviously because he likes the attention he gets. So next time he does it, don't give him any. Take him upstairs and let him be.

  5. Nope it's just a phase in his life both my boys did it. They are 8 and 10 . The 8 yr old still does it from time to time. It will slow up just give it time mama.

  6. Get up and return him back to bed, don't speak to him, don't give in to his demands.  By giving in you are enabling his behavior.

  7. my son started doing this so I would put him in his bed then in 4 minutes go check on him then do it again then again you might have to check on him several times and then for a coupla nights . . I think after 3 nights my son told me he was OK and not to keep disturbing him . . kids get scared we're doing something without them or that we're not aware of what is going on in their room(monsters might be under the bed) but once my son figured out I was checking on him he was ok.

  8. My 5 year old does the same thing. I don't know what it is and why kids do it. I always make up something to tell him like " the sooner you go to sleep then tomorrow we can go to the park or something like that" then he doesn't come out the room anymore. Give it a try it might help. Good luck

  9. He might be worried about you and your husband if you're with him, hearing 'sounds' that are strange coming from your bedroom. You know what I'm talking about. He is afraid of that or other creepy sounds or things he sees or hears. He could also be afraid of having bad dreams or other things like aliens, strangers, robbers, kidnappers, etc.

    He just doesn't want you to leave him. Try sleeping with him or in the same room.

  10. My 5 and 3 year old did it all the time, they will finally got over it.  I understand about loosing your temper.  I think what happened we finally got a system down.  Vitamins, brush teeth, drink of water (if they want), kiss, hug (No food after 8) then to bed.  If my daughter wants to play with her doll or my son with his cars for a little bit they must do it in their beds with the lights off.  Since it's light till 9 they can still be able to see, but they have been staying put since we do everything before they lay down.

  11. just bare with it my son was the same and he is now 15 and an angel he knows you love him

  12. I'M IN THE SAME SITUATION WITH MY 20 MONTH OLD???????????????????????????????
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