
Bombed the SAT, Help!?

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I found out I got a 1780 on my first SAT with little prep. Heres the breakdown of my scores. Math 670 Critical Reading 540 Writing 570. I feel really disappointed and like a let my parents down. What should I do?




  1. thats not bombing it- 1500 is the average score. you would increase your score a lot if you took it again though. i got a 1750 on it the first time i took it- and then i took it again and i got a 1980- so take it again.

  2. thats not bad you know... i got 550 across the board and made it into penn state... those tests aren't the whole picture.

  3. study in advance, take the practice tests, courses, etc. offered, and then take it again when you're more prepared.

  4. retake the test dude! you can take it as many times as you want. and this time prepare, take a prep class or something!

  5. you can take it again

    but get a tutor or an SAT practice book before you take it

  6. Don't let it get you down; just take it again!

    Good luck!

  7. see if you can make it up..

  8. retake! all the smart people you see on tv bombed the SAT worse than you! (no offense) just retake it if u can~(for real!)

  9. Yes. Retake the test. I got a 1700 and am absolutely DEVASTATED. I just ordered the Princeton Review book tonight and I already have the collegeboard one. Just study over the summer, take it in the fall, and hope that you do better. Actaully, don't hope. You'll have studied much more so KNOW that you will do better. If I got a 1780, i'd be much happier than I am now. I'm hoping for at least an 1800......i dont know if it's possible, but I'm hoping. Good luck with your future endeavors!

  10. just sign up and take it again.

  11. Get some prep. books. Do a lot of practice exams and go over the questions you get wrong. For practice exams, get the books from the collegeboard, because they'll be close to the actual exam. Don't worry, because that was your first SAT, but just study as much as you can, and take as many practice exams you can. The Barron's book is much harder than the actual exam, but if you do well on that, then you'll probable do well on the actual test. Also, they give you a bunch of vocabulary words to memorize which may be very useful for the critical reading. Thier math section is also pretty difficult. Try many books. Your score will go up. Remember that you can take the SAT as many times as you'd like, so you still have more chances to go. The score you got was with "little prep," so if you continue working, then you'll do much better. Your math score is good, so all  you have to do is focus on critical reading and writing. Maybe get some workbooks for those. Some workbooks helped people raise thier scores by up to 100 points for each individual section. Go to for details, and search the workbooks. Dont' worry, your score will increase, but you have to study. Good luck.
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