
Bond for Casey to be revoked?

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Because she is not co operating with authorities...well who would have seen that one coming? She is a sociopath and that's is what they do....Now it is pretty much of a slam dunk on her guilt ...will Caylee every be found?




  1. I have been following this case since pretty little caylee went missing..i live just an hour away from the anthony's...I think caylee with be is just a matter of time and i hope casey rots in jail for this...she's not mental, she just did not want her kid anymore so killed it so she could have a life. she should of let her mom, cindy raise caylee instead of killing her but i think casey was too greedy to let her mother even do that. I hope she is back in jail by tomorrow, she does not deserve to be out!! By the way..I lived with my parents when i got pregnant with my first child, i lived there until my daughter turned 5 yrs old and it was the best thing i ever done and i am grateful to my parents that they let me live with them with their granddaughter. Casey had a good thing going living with her parents and her daughter but she was all about herself, how sad!!

  2. i think they should investigate that secret cop lover that was found corresponding for a long while by email.  i mean who else would have helped her know what to do with a dead body

  3. Her bond should be revoked because they found the smell of body in the trunk of her can and DNA from her child's hair which was in the trunk of her car.

  4. im with s**y mama on this one

  5. I hope they find her so those that love her and came to love her get some closure.  As for that worthless human that gave birth to her, I'm glad she's going back.  I don't believe in torture but if they wanted to waterboard her, I say go for it.  How can you be so cold? Even if the death was an accident, say something.  Caylee deserves peace.

  6. Yep I don't think many people are shocked over this.  That she would have a hot meal, shower and get her nails down. Suddenly start revealing things to the BH was plain Naive IMO. If she wouldn't even talk to her own family why the h**l would she talk to a man she does not even know?

    She needs to go back to prison and no doubt is. Her own family could not put up the bond of that much money and i seriously cant see who would now with all the evidence pointing where it is.  

  7. No, Caylee wont be found because unfortunately she probly has passed. I believe that it was accidental death. My hunch...she left her in the car to sleep when she was at the bar....after leaving the bar  she jumped in the car that night half drunk and forgot Calley was in the car.  The next afternoon after sleeping off a hangover she remembers the girl in the car.....goes to car finds the girl dead.   Because Casey is a psycho,manipulative liar she paniced and lied. The lie started to snowball and she had to keep on lying. The grandmother who has been manipulated by casey and played Caseys "little" game all her life has to help keep up the charade. I have a feeling that we will have a confession in about ummm...4 days.

  8. I think that the bail should be revoked. She never deserved to step foot out of that jail to begin with. How could a MOTHER of a "missing" (missing to the public, but Casey knows exactly where she's at) child act like that?

    Now were on to a new issue. They are offering her limited immunity when the air sample came back positive for human decomposition, and now the DNA sample came back a match for Caylee's hair, with signs of decay.. Who knows if the poor little girls body will ever be found due to her psychopath mother who CLEARLY has no remorse for what she has done. VERY SAD!

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