
Bonjour, Vous avez une véritablement grandiose page vous. Avoir un jour merveilleux et journys sûr Egards?

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What does this mean in English?




  1. There is a lot of mistakes in your sentence, I suppose that the translation is :

    "Hello, you have a truly awe-inspiring web page (That's what I suppose the writer means?). Have a wonderfull day and journey on Egards (I suppose it's a place)."

    Here the right sentence in french :

    Vous (the use of "vous" means you're not very close, it's a polite form) avez une page web absolument grandiose. Passez une bonne journée et un bon séjour sur Égards.

  2. Hello, you have a truly grandiose page, you. Have a wonderful day and ... sure regards.

  3. Hello, you have a "veritablement grandiose" page. Have a marvelous day and journey on Egards.

  4. This must come from an automatic translator from some english speaker translated into french

    I can confirm a few french words put in random order but have no idea what it's talking about. Maybe about a nice webpage.

    Ask the sender the non translated version and what language the original comes from.

  5. Hello, You have a truly imposing page you. To have one day marvellous and journys, sure Regards

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