
Bonjour, l'est comment va?

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What do these french words mean in english? Thank you




  1. well, I have never heard "bonjour, l'est comment vas", but you "bonjour, comment vas" is quite common. It uses between teenagers or young adults, but of course use it only with your friends. ^ ^

    something like "how going?", just cut the words, you know...^ ^

  2. you better say this: bonjour,ca va?it means:hello,r u ok,fine?but that's very friendly ,you can also say:bonjour, comment allez -vous?it means, hello, how are you(formality speaking).

    French also use this too as hello: "salut",without the pronounciation of  't'.It's used in freindly talk most of the time.

  3. bonjour means: Hello, good morning/good afternoon

    the spelling of "l'est comment va? " should be wrong,

    may be it's "Comment va-t-il? "= how is it/ ?

  4. en français on dit "bonjour, comment ça va ?"

    le matin "bonjour"

    l'après-midi "bonne après-midi"

    fin d'après-midi "bonne soirée"

    soir "bonsoir"

    nuit "bonne nuit"

  5. That's not exactly correct French, but undrstandable and it means " Hello, how are you?" In correct French you say" Bonjour comment cela (or ca) va ?"

  6. "Bonjour, comment ca va?" means: Hello, how is it going?  It's a very common greating in France. If you're talking to a stranger or you want to be more respectful, use "vous" instead of the "tu" form of the verb "aller". Therefore the more polite way of saying hello, how are you is: Bonjour, comment aller-vous?

  7. bonjour l'est comment (ça) va?>>hy the est how are you (really strange in french and in english to)

    bonjour comment ça va?>> hy how are you?

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