
Boo! Did I scare you?

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Anyone with a good practical joke that you or someone you know has pulled? Something that didn't hurt or injure the other person and it doesn't matter if you were the victim.




  1. OMG you freaked me out!

    Hide behind the door in the bathroom and when they close it yell, "HEY!" since it's the washroom, they won't expect anyone to be there.

  2. Put a small fire cracker (tom thumbs) in someone's cigarette and place it back in their cigarette box and sit back and enjoy the rest when he/she attempts to light up a cig.LOL

  3. yes! go Boo~  

  4. oooh one time me and my older brother went in my sister's room and flipped allof her stuff over upside down even her drawers we got it on tape too it was hilarious cause when she opend the drawer the clothes fell out but she got so mad

    one time on halloween my brother dressed up like a scarecrow and sat on a bench in the front of our house when people came he would pop up and scare them half to death but this time was different he did it to this like 2 and 3 yr. old they got so scared they  all the way to the road it was really funny

    oh and one time i was standing in my room and i heard my sister come in so i hid behind my door  she walked in then when she turned around i scream and she jumped like 3 feet high

    lol those are true story so funny

  5. Instead of bread with butter and sugar, put lots of salt on the bread. Then give the victim.

    Put frogs or anything slimy down your victim's pockets.

    Call the person's house and play a prnk on him. Say that you are the police or whatever. The rest is up to you to do.

    Wrap yourself in a white cloth or blanket and stand in a dark corner of a room or near the door. When a victim walks in, he will get a shock of his life. Make sure he has no heart diseases though; you wouldn't want to be responsible for his death.

  6. I once told my sister that we should pull a prank on my brother. So we went into my room and took some old clothes and stuffed them with random stuff till it looked like a person was wearing the clothes. Then I stuck a scary mask on top for the head. We then sat it up in my closet and I tied a string to the arm and then to the door so that when someone opened the door the arm would move. So my brother had some books in the closet so me and my sis asked him if we could see them. He walked over to the closet and opened the door. He jumped like ten feet! But that's not all! Then when my sis was away I told my bro that we should scare her. He was all for it. So I took the clothes we used for the dummy and put them on myself and sat in the closet! My brother then called my sis into the room and fed her some story about him changing something about the dummy so it would scare me! So she opens the door and looks in at me and I just sit there perfectly still. So right when she is about to ask my bro what is different I jump out of the closet lightning fast and she jumped so high! It was the best prank ever! A true classic!
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