
Boogeyboarders, too dumb to live?

by  |  earlier

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OK, ,why is it when i'm surfing you guys just stand there and point while i'm about to take off your body parts with my fins? And then I have to throw my wave because you don't even understand surfer's etiquete?

It's lame and you guys are the ticks and fleas of the surfing world. Get me some Raid.




  1. I totally understand the whole "Boogie Board" issue and I get where your coming from. Most of the time however it is little kids who are at the beach to have some fun so give 'em a break. So you do have to be careful and watch for them almost as much as you need to watch for "ocean creatures" (haha). But that is definitely not something to be mad about. They throw "your wave" since when have the ocean became any ones property??  Have you ever considered moving down the beach? I mean its not like your going to run out of space... that's what I do when I see them I leave that spot and move.

  2. You ask this of Christians, and wazzzup with your name? I thought i twas about Jesus.   Boy did i fall for your line of stuff.   Who cares if what you say is  big on you?  are you no more than the size of a private part? Of my, who cares.   God cares about the heart. andyou are wanting to hurt ppl as you surf. YOu do need the Lord, I pray you find HIm before its too late. Get off the boogeyboard and get a Bible , spend some time there and find Jesus. Pray too that always helps.  

    The kool guys are the ones out there having fun, not worrying about you, just enjoying the beautifulness of the Lord. If you go to hurt ppl,  we need raid for you, not you for us.

    Holy Moly, What is the world coming to?????????????????????   Again I speak about God and I live for God, and pray that one day all will know....

    I pray... for you all.

  3. haha that sucks! they really don't know much. you pull something like that in Hawaii  the surfers will come slash your tires or beat you right there on the sand. Just tell them to watch out or they're gonna get hurt.

  4. And it's your wave because...

    I'm a surfer and not fond of boogyboarding but seriously any true advanced surfer would know that the sport is about being on the water, and people that don't know the etiquette just comes with the territory. Most surfers don't know the etiquete either, idiot.

    Besides, you're probably just some kook who the experienced surfers snicker at out on the water because while they're ripping you're whining about some boogyboarder who took your wave.

    Waaaah poor poor baby! did a wittle sponger take your wave? awww thats too too bad, barney.

    Stop being so stereotypical and pull the fin thats undoubtably shoved up your butt and go practice your soft long board, kook.

  5. Many people rent bodyboards and have no idea what to do once in the water. A true bodyboarder is just a surfer that prefers to go prone.

  6. whats up with the crazy lady... and yeah i actually had this dude drop into my line like twice today and id end up bailing cuz he went straight to shore instead of down the line...

    ... but on the contrary there are a lot of guys out there that throw down some sick **** on a boogey board, and they convey themselves in the lineup just as a surfer would.

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