
Book about a ghost with no legs having s*x with the wife? house and man on the cover paperback. i need title?

by  |  earlier

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i know that a family moved into a home that was haunted and this ghost appears and a paragraph that i do remember is the wife is looking out the window and sees the ghost talking to her neighbor and he is floating with no legs. CREEPY! i do know that it was a paper back book. if any one can help me please send the tiltle. I would really like to order this off line





  1. Post this question at and, hopefully someone there will recognize your book.

  2. im sorry, i cant help you but haha. ure question made me start cracking up haha. all i read was ghost with no legs having s*x.....haha

    sorry im an idiot...

  3. Try to google the main characters.

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