
Book/math question?

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I am reading a book that is 182 pages long with 30 chapter if i want to finish it in a week how many chapterdo i read?




  1. you read thirty chapters... lol

    but to break it down ... that would be about 4 or 5 chapters a day.

  2. Umm... if I'm not mistaken, not all these chapters are of an equal amount of pages, so keep that in mind.

    well if by week yo umean 5 days, (this is not counting anytime you might not be able to read, i.e, if you forget or if you have unchangeable circumstances, like chores, or family events) then you have to read at least 6 chapters a day. If 7, around 4 or 5. Again, this is assuming that the 30 pages have an equal amount of words. You are better off reading as much as you can in one day, and read whatever you can the next.
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