Hi, I will be graduating from graduate school with a degree in early childhood education/early childhood special education in May 2008. One of the things I feel that has been severely lacking in my student teaching placements is a somewhat extensive reference list of books, songs and most importantly, activities (that can be done during carpet time with preK and kindergarteners). So I am building my 'toolbox'. I have some basic books, like "Where the Wild Things Are," a lot of Eric Carle, David Shannon, Dr. Seuss, and fairy tales and I remember some songs from my childhood, and I have seen some websites and books both in school and online, but I feel like there is more I need to know. Can any of you recommend a few songs/fingerplays that would be good for kids ages 3-6 and books no teacher should be without? if you have info on anything with science and math that's helpful, too. Thanks for your help!