
Book of deep magic...?

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I have much knowledge and experience in being an alchemyst and if I were to write a book on all my spells, what language should I write it in? Should I do it in a present day language like english, or some old language back when man first started talking? I just want someone to know this is real besides me. If Nicholas Flamel could find the secret to immortality than why can't I? Would anyone out there beleive me??? Please, I have tried the spells. Thankyou!




  1. Listen, languages themselves have no power, it's the meaning they convey, the visual you can get from them that holds power.

    As long as English has the necessary descriptors of what you need, it will do fine.

  2. Oki, one... scary answer with the "pray to jesus" yikes, sounds like an old friend of mine.  

    As for your actual question, go ahead and write what you want.  Don't worry about writing in Latin (because then, who would really read it... how many people can actually speak much less read Latin)  The same goes for most other "dead" or rarely used languages.  If you're looking to write for a larger audience, write in English, plain, easy to understand English.  If you want to make it more authentic, you can translate it later.  Also figure that you're more likely to be published if you write in an easy to understand language.  As as to whether people will believe or not... don't worry about it.  Write what you know, what you believe and let people draw their own conclusions, it wont harm you or them either way.  Basically, do what makes you happy :-)

  3. I generally write in my own language but it requires additional concentration to write in another language which would add more energy to it.  You might want to check out the witch's alphabet.  No one has ever found immortality for the body but the soul is already immortal.

  4. haha, alchemy. silly magic really. useless too. quite frankly, any spells you know would be useless. i would still read the book for fun, but it would be useless. and Nicholas never found immortality, he found something else that people mistook  for immortality. but go ahead and write the book in English, it doesn't matter.

  5. First any language will do just fine, considering the only people that should read it are you and those close too you, secondly Nicholas Flamel is from harry potter correct? its fake, immortality cant exist, youd have to stop the division of your cells, which would also mean no energy created therefore clinically your dead, it gets alot more technical but i wont get into it, that plus if you managed to succeed heaven would rain their wrath down on you, it screws thing up for everybody, and the only ppl that would believe you are the believers, everyone else wouldnt so why would that change anything? find ppl that you know practice or interested, and share it with them, the others wont be swayed by your books, if ppl ask about your religion explain it to them and see, what happens, but just explain dont argue it, but enjoy the discussion

  6. hayy i believe you right it in english...  you sound  cool...  :)

  7. Pray, Jesus will help you.

  8. Write it in Latin. That way it will remind people of old monasteries and medieval Europe, as well as ancient Roman Paganism. Latin is the most 'wizardy' of all the dead languages, IMO.

  9. Write them in english, the reason for writing it in other languages is hiding their ways. People, when discovering such effective yet untraceble ways to cause changes will want to keep them. Those who know the consequences of these workings falling into inappropriate hands will want to monopolize who learnt them, some think languages relate to the origin of the spell. That the people who completed them, who designed the spell had it in a specific language so in order to mimic the results.
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